Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Keith Jarret "It Could Happen To You" Transcription

Hear me play the solo

This is my transcription of Keith Jarrets solo on It Could Happen To You (Tokyo '96 (Live)).
As I have mentioned I 'jump around in octaves because of the nature of the guitar (can't play some of those high notes). And I'm terrible at reading notes with more than 3 ledger lines.Hey!! I'm a guitar player, give me a break!
The changes are the standard changes, sometimes Keith substitutes chords but I haven't lifted his voicings. I also haven't lifted his signature moans, groans, and singing..dont know how to notate that!
I am planning to make an analysis later on.

1 comment:

  1. OMG that was so cool! Jarrett as you know is the BIGGEST, greatest, ever. You have some kinda talent my friend. I had a artist friend (he is gone now sadly)that introduced me the Kieth in the 70's. That was nice work, I'm just getting familiar with Dim and Aug scales now, I am a guitarist. Midi1529@gmail.com.
